Charlie Speirs’ DG Partner’s Project 2018-19 is to raise money to install SkyHydrant Water Filtration systems in Third World Schools. The SkyHydrant is a proven sustainable method of removing all bacteria and dirt & produces 1,000 litres of safe water an hour. Charlie’s target is $15,000 – this sum will allow the opportunity to raise a Global Grant from Rotary Foundation which would double the money available to installing Skyhydrants in schools. Let’s get behind this project and raise funds for this as EVERY child in the world deserves SAFE WATER!
Clean water, sanitation, and hygiene education are basic necessities for a healthy environment and a productive life. When people have access to clean water and sanitation, waterborne diseases decrease, children stay healthier and attend school more regularly, and mothers can spend less time carrying water and more time helping their families.
HOW ROTARY MAKES THIS HAPPEN:Through water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programs, Rotary’s people of action mobilize resources, form partnerships, and invest in infrastructure and training that yield long-term change.